lundi 3 décembre 2007

Kite surf

Au fil des années, les activités sportives se sont développées à Saint Barth. Bien évidemment, les sports aquatiques en font parti. S'il en est une que j'aimerais essayer, c'est bien le kite surf. Pour le moment je me contente de regarder et de prendre des photos. Mais qui sait, peut être me laisserai-je tenter bientôt...

Over the years, sport activities have developped in Saint Barth. Of course, auqatic sports were part of it. If there is one aquatic sport I'd like to give a try, it's definitely kite surf. For the moment, I just watch and take pictures. But maybe some day I'll finally try...

2 commentaires:

Jim Klenke a dit…

I posted a pic like this a few weeks ago. I am like you, I will take the pictures, maybe one day I will try it.....OK no I wont, I am a chicken.

Your picture is very good, clear and nice background.

Ann (MobayDP) a dit…

lol :) You should try it even for the sake of reporting back to us and letting us know whether you enjoyed it :-D